Interested in helping save newts with the Chileno Valley Newt Brigade?
We think you’ll find the experience both rewarding and fun!

Here are a few things to know about how the group works:

  • Our patrols run during newt breeding season, November to mid-March.

  • We work in shifts that begin around dusk, when the newts start moving.

    • Shifts last for two hours and volunteers are asked to commit to one shift/week.

    • For safety on the road, we work in pairs. Shifts usually include 3-4 pairs, with each pair covering a different stretch of road, roughly half a mile or so.

    • Every shift has a captain, who coordinates the activity and turns in the final newt counts and other relevant information.

  • Before your first time out, we’ll set you up with a short training session to go over the basics, which includes accompanying an experienced volunteer on the road. We’ll also ask you to sign an liability waiver.

  • Documenting the newts’ activity is an important step towards finding a long-term solution to their plight. So along with getting the newts off the road, we photograph them with our smartphones and later load the photos into a user-friendly app called iNaturalist. It’s helpful if you can download the app before your training. Once you download the app, search under “Projects” for “ 2024-2025 Chileno Valley Newt Brigade Winter” and click Join.

  • New volunteer trainings are at 4 pm at Chileno Valley Ranch, 5105 Chileno Valley Road, Petaluma CA.

  • To sign up for the Newt Brigadier training, fill out and submit the form below.

Signup Here to Join the Chileno Valley Newt Brigade